Animals Gallery
Click on any image to enlarge that image and see information about that image. After clicking on an image you may begin the tour of the gallery as there are links to the next and previous images. If you are intersted in any image you may contact the artist about purchase or purchasing a print.

Trodden Path at Lima Peaks

Question of Pursuit


Resting Time


Qey Qay (Meaning Buffalo)

Autumn Lady

Prairie Ghost

Mountain Goat


Big Horn Sheep

Going for the Silver

New Domain


Majestic Meadow


Precarious Passage


Fading Footprints, Snow Leopard

Range Master


Shadowed Presence

Lamar Valley, Yellowstone

Evening Sojourn

Pensive Silence


Morning Trifecta

Face to Face

Social Distancing

Puddle Jumper


"Ursa Major" aka "the Big Dipper"

Ohhh, that's the Spot


Artic White

Broken Silence




© Karen A. Young ~ Stillwater Studio ~ All Rights Reserved